Experience, a laser-focused, private, 90-minute intensive coaching session with Dr. Christine Staten so that you can gain the confidence and clarity necessary to make major strides towards the practice of your dreams.

90-minute 1:1 Zoom meeting or phone call with Dr. Staten. 

Seven days of chat access for follow-up questions and thoughts. 

Sometimes you just need some immediate advice or coaching to get you through a difficult or confusing time.

The business intensive is the best fit for you if you:

  • Need to work through a difficult decision and need expert mentoring and advice.
  • Feel overwhelmed I need someone to help you organize and prioritize your plan
  • Need an outside perspective on your business idea or strategy.
  • Feel stuck in your career and want help thinking through options.
  • Need to talk to someone who’s been there/done that to avoid wasting time making mistakes that can be avoided.
  • Need to figure out how to get more freedom, flexibility, and finances in your life without working harder.

I'm ready!

In the Business Intensive package, we’re going to help you transform your practice and live the life you dream of!  

This is your chance to tap into Dr. Christine Staten’s over 20 years of practice ownership and her formal business training. 

During your 1:1 session with Dr. Staten, you’ll get the rare opportunity to ask every burning question you have about your practice to set it (and you) up for long-term success. 


This call is about YOU! So, if you’re ready to get personalized advice and help on everything from choosing your first job to structuring your practice so you don’t have to work 24/7, we've got you covered!

What we can cover 


During your 90-minute business intensive session, we can discuss all things regarding your practice – come with your questions and you’ll leave with answers and clarity! 


Want help starting up your new business, fixing your practice culture, setting up systems and structure to maximize efficiency, managing a difficult team member, holding the energy as a CEO? We can discuss any of the important aspects that any new or established practice owner or manager needs to know. 


Plus, Dr. Staten is at your beck and call for 7 days after the initial call via Voxer for all those questions and thoughts that come up after you process all the wisdom and advice from the coaching call. 


The Business Intensive is perfect for you if… 

  • You’re a brand new practice owner who is a little lost when it comes to getting things off the ground – you want to do things properly ESPECIALLY when it comes to business side of running a practice 

  • You’re a successful practice owner who is looking to improve how you run your business and take the next step in gaining financial freedom.  


  • You’re an owner or manager tired of feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious about all things you are juggling in the practice.  


  • You want a chance to talk one-on-one with Dr. Staten and get all your questions answered so you can get back to focusing on doing what you do best – running your practice! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

What’s the investment for the session?


Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.

I'm ready!